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  • Alaska Fjord Charters
  • Alaska Fjord Charters
    Alaska Fjord Charters
    Alaska Fjord Charters

Alaska Fjord Charters

Contract price

  • We offer Private multi-day ocean based adventures based out of Seward, Alaska. Our guests enjoy being the only group on board, max of 6, with a private cook to keep them well fed, 3 sit on top kayaks, 2 paddleboards, and an inflatable dingy to go ashore for explorations. We travel mostly into Kenai Fjords National Park but have been known to travel further down the coast when folks really want to do some exploring to areas where most tourists and many Alaskans never see. Our vessel, Darby travels at a comfortable pace to allow us to see lots of wildlife and spend quality time viewing the wildlife that are so abundant in the waters along the coast of Alaska during the summer months. 

    We customize every trip to best satisfy the desires of our customers, so they get to experience and see what makes them the most happy.

  • Country tour United States
    City of excursion Seward
    Languages spoken by the guide en English
    Duration of the tour 3+ Days
    Creation Date Tuesday, 06 October 2020
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