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Lappet Faced Safaris


Lappet faced safaris is the company based in Arusha-Tanzania with the aim of providing best services on Safaris and Treks. We offer a variety of Safaris, treks and climbs in Tanzania and out of Tanzania: Camping and Lodge safari to all Tanzania national parks Kilimanjaro: Africa’s highest peak. Mount Meru: Africa’s fifth highest peak. Oldoinyo Lengai: Climb with maasai guides The Usambaras: part of the ancient Eastern Arc range. Lappet Faced Safaris and its experienced guides will show you all that you might imagining when you were thinking of going on a safari. The diversity of wildlife, trekking challenges and Tanzanian coast, dotted with historic and romantic islands like Zanzibar, Pemba and Mafia, are ready to seduce all of your senses and to make your holiday memorable.

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Lappet Faced Safaris
From: sw
Member since: 20 November 2019

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