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Glorious Himalaya Trekking


Glorious Himalaya Trekking is a Nepal based pioneer adventure holiday tour operator having a decade of extensive experience in Himalayan activities over Nepal and the autonomous Tibet region.

Born in the shadows of the Himalayas, we are specialized in eco trekking, hiking, climbing, rafting, and other tourism activities in Nepal.
Our programs across Nepal and into Tibet and Bhutan are led by talented and professional tour and trekking guides who not only know their jobs well but also enjoy it thoroughly, Our guides are well versed on the trials that come on the trails and the rivers and possess extensive knowledge of the destinations you choose, the guides enlisted on our payrolls are highly trained
& most of them were born in the mountains & are highly experienced and can save lives if & when required.



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Glorious Himalaya Trekking

Member since: 20 November 2019

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